March 2014 – Trish McIntrye – President

Trish McIntrye
Trish McIntrye

Hello all.  This is the first of a series of short letters for our website to keep you updated on actions, events and and other matters that may effect our wonderful community.

To start with I would like to mention the work on the Wagait Memorial Garden.  Work is progressing well.  We have finished painting the feature wall and a little work has to be done with the rocks and landfill.  We will soon plant a selection of desert roses in the garden and natives on the mound at the front of the Community Centre near the road. Well done so far by the Council workers and contractors.  Jill Mumme is taking a very keen interest and involvement in the project which has been in the pipeline for many years..

We already have two plaques to install and I would encourage any other interested parties to contact the Shire Office. We hope to have an official opening around June/July and I am sure you would like to have your plaques ready for this.

The shelter for the caretakers at the Sports Ground is finished and the contractors have done a wonderful job.

The dry season is around the corner and Council will soon be working hard on the beach access points.

Work on the new car park is to begin next month and I am confident that the finished project will be attractive and friendly usable.

Major events being organised at this time are ANZAC Day and Territory Day.  Please join in these events for a big community effort.  If they are anything like Australia Day I am sure you will enjoy yourself.

Memorial Garden - Work in progress
Memorial Garden – Work in progress
Sports Ground Shelter
Sports Ground Shelter