March 2015 – Peter Clee – President

PeterDuring the month I was contacted by the department in relation to a complaint about a payment  to a supplier. I discussed the history of such matters and explain that payments made by council are in accordance with council delegations and authority.

I have had 1 interview on ABC Radio’s Grass Roots program. I discussed dogs, wharf, ferry service and Wagait in general. I also took the opportunity to promote 2 exhibitions by the Wagait Arts Group and upcoming events including Anzac day and the Mandorah Ukulele Folk Festival.I also visited one of the Art Groups exhibitions.

I have agreed to promote local events for the club, the arts group and the Mandorah Ukulele Folk Festival (MUFF) whenever I get a gig on radio and/or the opportunity arises.

I have attended a Belyuen, Wagait, Coomalie Advisory meeting. The minutes of that meeting have been distributed.

I have had more people contact me that are very pleased to hear the Alcohol Ban has been reinstated on the Mandorah Jetty. Mostly from families that were enquiring if it was now safe to allow their children to fish off the wharf.