October 2017 – President Peter Clee

Purpose of Report

To Inform Council and community of activities and to provide the community at large with information that is important and noteworthy.

 What’s been happening……

The new council has settled in with two meetings now under the councilor’s belt now.

I recently attended the Local Government Associations Half Yearly General Meeting and Annual General Meeting in Alice Springs. The meeting was addressed by Gerry McCarthy, the Minister responsible for Local Government. He reiterated his governments support for Local Government and confirmed small increases in funding for councils. At the Annual General Meeting I was elected by all of the regions and Shires to take a casual vacancy on the LGANT Executive, for the next 12 months.

The Ferry Timetable is still being reviewed by SEALINK Ferries. Proposed changes may include an additional 4.00pm ferry and a seven day a week timetable rather than a 5 and 2-day timetable. Some recent ferry services were delayed or postponed because of low tides. I had anticipated that the proposed changes would have been circulated by now. I will lobby to have these released as soon as possible. Dredging equipment is now in place and will commence shortly.

The community has been calling on the NT Government for a number of years to install CCTV cameras on the Mandorah Jetty. The recent death of a man who jumped off the jetty may have been avoided if earlier notice had been received by NT Police. As it was they were not notified for several hours after the event. Similar cameras are already installed at the Elizabeth River Boat Ramp. Council continue to chase this matter up with the government.

The Waste Transfer station is back on the boil again. Possibly in the 2018/19 financial year

The six month anniversary of our new CEO comes up in early December. I thank him for his hard work and dedication to the job.

There will be no council meeting in December so I take this opportunity to wish all councillors, staff and members of the community well for the festive season.

Where have I been ….

17th October         Ordinary Council Meeting

24th October         Weekly meeting with CEO

31st October          Weekly Meeting with CEO

1st November        Mayors and Presidents Forum – Alice Springs

1st November        ABC Grass Roots on ABC Radio 105.7

2nd November       Half Yearly General meeting LGANT

3rd November       Annual General meeting LGANT

7th November       Weekly Meeting with CEO

14th November     Ferry Planning Workshop – Travelodge Darwin

15th November     Weekly Meeting with CEO

21st November     Weekly Meeting with CEO

21st November     Ordinary Council meeting

Upcoming Meetings and Events

24th November – TOPROC Meeting

25th December – Christmas Day Public Holiday

1st January        – New Year’s Day Public Holiday