February 2019 – President Peter Clee

 Purpose of Report

To Inform Council and community of activities and to provide the community at large with information that is important and noteworthy.

What’s been happening……

The NT Government surprised us all recently with the announcement of the allocation of funding to fast track the Mandorah Jetty Project. The design work will commence this year and construction will commence in 2020.

I have had some positive feedback on my intention to put forward two projects to council for consideration by the parties at the next federal election. These projects are outside our ability to finance or promote but will bring long term benefits to the community. They are: –

  • Water Distribution and reticulation Project in conjunction with the LDC development
  • Road and bridge link at the Channel Island to reduce commute time to Dundee, Bynoe and Cox Peninsula.

Community members who have other ideas are encouraged to contact myself or any of the WSC councillors to promote their ideas.

The CEO has advised that he will finish with WSC at the end of march. Russel Anderson has agreed to step in as the acting CEO until a permanent replacement is appointed.

Where have I been ….

6th Feb                                    WSC Audit Committee meeting
8th Feb                                    DHLG Tender Panel Assessment
12th  Feb                                Opening of NT Parliament
19th Feb                                 Bombing of Darwin commemoration
19th March                            Ordinary Council Meeting