July 2018 – President Peter Clee

Purpose of Report

To Inform Council and community of activities and to provide the community at large with information that is important and noteworthy.

What’s been happening……

The Wagait Arts group had a great turnout for their event which ran over a week earlier this month. All I spoke to said the event went off very well. A big congratulations to the organisers and to the artists who exhibited.

There are still 4 lights out on the jetty due to electrical wiring failure. I have requested a number o times that the department install temporary lighting until the re-wiring is completed in conjunction with other jetty works. Despite reporting the issue to the NTG there has been no resolution. The lack of good lighting is a safety hazard which is nearly 6 months old.

The possible opening of the Charles Point Lighthouse by a Darwin Radio Club has been cancelled due to financial issues. It had been planned to open it to the public on the weekend of 18 and 19 August. This year is the 125th anniversary of the lighthouse.

Where have I been ….

23rd July                                 postponed Ordinary Council Meeting
25th July                                 meeting with NLC
31st July                                  Attend CEO Review at LGANT
14th Aug                                 Weekly Meeting with CEO
21st Aug                                 Weekly Meeting with CEO
21st Aug                                 Ordinary Council Meeting