June 2018 – President Peter Clee

Purpose of Report

To Inform Council and community of activities and to provide the community at large with information that is important and noteworthy.

What’s been happening……

We have had some issues with antisocial behaviour at the jetty. Some cars have been broken into and I understand that a motor cycle has been stolen. All such incidents have been reported to the Police.

A recent request for a CCTV Police trailer to be placed at the Jetty and Car Park has failed to get any positive reaction. Only complaints about such antisocial behaviour will result in positive action by the NTG and police.

There are still 4 lights out on the jetty due to electrical wiring failure. These have not worked for a number of months now and represent a safety issue for commuters at night. I have requested a number o times that the department install temporary lighting until the re-wiring is completed in conjunction with other jetty works.

MUFF was a great success. It seems to continue to be very popular

Similarly, Territory day was very successful

There has been some disquiet about the format and content of the Annual Budget. This is to be reviewed and finalised at the July council Meeting.

It is possible that the Charles Point Lighthouse may be opened to the public on the weekend of 18 and 19 August. Watch the Council blackboard for more information. This year is the 125th anniversary of the lighthouse and may be opened for a few hours over that weekend.

Where have I been ….

25th June                Ordinary Council Meeting
26th June                Weekly meeting with CEO
3rd July                    Weekly meeting with CEO
17th July                 LGANT Executive meeting
20th July                 Weekly meeting with CEO