Purpose of Report
To Inform Council and community of activities and to provide the community at large with information that is important and noteworthy.
What’s been happening……
The CEO and I attended the Local Government Association of NT General meeting and Annual General Meeting in Alice Springs in early November, since then I have attended a number of events representing Wagait Shire Council which you can see below.
It was with regret that we saw the resignation of the WSC CEO. However, it was good to be able to announce that the new CEO would come on board on February 3. I look forward to welcoming Renita Glencross to the WSC. Renita is already a well-known member of this community.
The office was closed for a period of time over the xmas and new year period.
The final day for outgoing CEO Anna Malgorzewicz was Friday 10 January. We thank Anna for her contribution to Wagait Shire and wish her all the best for the future.
Acting CEO until Renita takes over is our own Sports and Rec officer Rebecca Taylor. I have been working with Rebecca to ensure that there is no disruption to services to the community.
The local Member Gary Higgins has indicated that he will not nominate to stand again as the Member for Daly. Gary has done a good job as our local member and we wish him and his wife Rhonda well for the future. Gary will be with us to celebrate Australia Day next weekend. I encourage the local community to attend and wish Gary well for the future. I am assured that after that big rain event this month that there are no empty tanks at Wagait.
NT Elections will be held in August this year and the next Local Government elections will be held in August 2021.
There is still no word on the final design for the new marina Facility, I will be following this up. There is still no action on implementing a public bus service for the Cox Peninsula. I have been lobbying to have this introduced for the last 2 years. I shall continue to lobby to have this service introduced.
Where have I been ….
6th November Mayors and Presidents Forum
7th November LGANT General meeting
8th November LGANT Annual General meeting
12th November Local Government Disciplinary Committee Hearing
12th November Weekly meeting with CEO
20th November ABC Grass Roots interview
28th November NT Parliament – Tabling of Dog By-Laws
4th December Lord Mayors Climate Roundtable
5th December NT Parliament – CM Christmas Reception
5th December TOPROC Meeting
6th December Meet with Dept of Local Government
10th December Meeting with WSC CEO
17th December Meeting with WSC CEO
23 December WSC Special Meeting
15th January Telephone Meeting with Act WSC CEO
15th January Meeting with Commonwealth Bank
21st January Meeting with Act WSC CEO
21st January Ordinary Council meeting